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Our Location


Land of Freedom, USA

We are located somewhere in the land of "freedom," where there are almost as many guns as there are blades of grass. We are not actually located at the 9/11 Memorial, though that would be funny if we were.

Did you really look here for hidden text too? Did you not learn from the home page that there is absolutely no point to any hidden text that is on this website? Like what do you really expect to find in hidden text anyway? There could be any number of things in hidden text, but that shit would not be on this fucking site. We literally created this site as a fucking joke between our friend group. It is literally our own form of a meme. Why would we put in anymore work than is completely necessary to make this fucking site?

Have you ever stopped to contemplate the peculiar nature of time itself? It's this intangible concept that we measure our lives by, yet its essence remains elusive, slipping through our fingers like grains of sand in an hourglass. Speaking of hourglasses, have you ever wondered why they're shaped the way they are? I mean, sure, they're functional for measuring time, but why not a square or a triangle? Perhaps it's because a cylindrical shape just feels more... timeless.But I digress. Let's talk about something truly riveting—like the existential crisis induced by choosing what to watch on Netflix. It's a daunting task, navigating through endless categories and recommendations, each more enticing than the last. Do you go for the comforting embrace of a sitcom, the adrenaline rush of a thriller, or the mind-bending twists of a sci-fi epic? The possibilities are endless, and yet, somehow, you always end up rewatching that one show you've seen a million times before. Ah, the joys of indecision.And speaking of decisions, have you ever found yourself lost in the vast expanse of the internet, clicking aimlessly from one link to another, tumbling down the rabbit hole of cat videos and conspiracy theories? It's a strange phenomenon, this digital maze we've constructed for ourselves, where time seems to warp and bend with each click of the mouse. Before you know it, hours have passed, and you're left wondering where the time went—much like the protagonist in a poorly written time-travel novel.But hey, who needs time anyway? It's just a construct, a figment of our collective imagination. So go ahead, waste a few more precious minutes reading this nonsensical rambling. After all, time wasted is never truly wasted... or is it?